People often say: “How can I make a shift in my life? Why go somewhere new and start everything from zero points. How could I possibly leave everything behind?”
Well, here is a story of a young man who just made the most significant shift in his life and became an alien in some different places.
About five years ago, I was just a student in a public school in Cairo, playing video games like any kid my age, loving the graphics, and the visual effects. I was very interested in how they create it. So I started learning computer graphics software like Photoshop and other programs. At this time, I never thought it would be my career. In the last year of high school, I started earning money out of my work, and I became more and more involved in the design. I realized it’s the only thing I would love to do for the rest of my life. Later I started studying at the German university in Cairo (GUC). I was very fascinated by my German professors, so I decided to follow their steps and study where they studied. It was not an easy decision, I was only 18, I was about to leave my family for the first time and move to Germany, and so I did. My first European country without even being able to speak German.
I felt like an alien! I spent a year learning the language, trying to understand what people say around me, completely different culture, different rules, and a different lifestyle. I started my studies at FH-Potsdam. What I learned until now was not only design! I learned how to observe, experiment, adapt, and emerge, and this was all I needed to in order not to be an alien anymore.
In this book, you will find the whole story of me turning into a human.